Asiakkaan osallistamismenetelmien vertailua matkailupalvelujen tuotekehityksessä


  • Hilkka Lassila
  • Raija Komppula


empiirinen tutkimus, matkailu, matkailupalvelut, markkinointi, tuotekehitys


The purpose of this paper is to assess the opportunities for co-creation by studying the applicability of different modes customer involvement in tourism at different stages and/or for different purposes of service development. The data was collected in six participant companies. The case studies are analyzed within the framework with four key elements for describing types of customer involvement presented by Alam (2002) as well as the typology of user-driven innovation by Hjalager and Nordin (2011) and typology of modes of customer involvement by Edvardsson, Kristensson, Magnusson and Sundström (2012). The findings show that The Tester mode method produced the richest input for service concept development, and The Correspondent and The Reflective Practitioner modes were best applied in the development of service process. Small firms in tourism need cooperation with universities in their co-creation activities as most of the methods of customer involvement are demanding and costly to apply.




Referera så här

Lassila, H., & Komppula, R. (2013). Asiakkaan osallistamismenetelmien vertailua matkailupalvelujen tuotekehityksessä. Turismforskning, 9(2), 22–37. Hämtad från