Call for Papers

Issue 1

Manuscripts for Mikael’s issue 1 can be submitted by all those whose abstract for a presentation or a poster was accepted for the annual KäTu Symposium or who gave a plenary presentation or organised a workshop at the Symposium. Manuscripts can be submitted as peer-reviewed articles or as non-peer-reviewed reports or discussion articles (see descriptions of the article categories here).

The language of the manuscript should be Finnish, Swedish or English, although the manuscript can be submitted in a language other than that of the KäTu abstract or presentation. If you would like to submit your manuscript in a language other than Finnish, Swedish or English, please contact the editors.

The manuscript length is 35 000–42 000 characters (max. 62,000 characters for manuscripts based on plenary presentations).

Issue 2

For Mikael’s issue 2, authors can submit manuscripts of peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed scholarly articles within the field of translation and interpreting studies written in Finnish or Swedish. The manuscript length is 35 000–42 000 characters.

Both issues

For both issue 1 and issue 2, authors can submit non-peer-reviewed discussion articles, obituaries,  lectio praecursoria presentations, conference reports and book reviews. These should be written in Finnish, Swedish or English, and their length is 5 000–15 000 characters. In order to avoid overlap, authors planning to submit a conference report or book review should contact the Mikael editors in advance.


The journal timeline (manuscript deadlines, notification of acceptance for peer review, etc.) is available here.

Contributor guidelines

Authors are requested to familiarise themselves with the descriptions of article categories and the contributor guidelines.   

Please submit your manuscript at In order to submit a manuscript, you must register and log in on the platform. The same username and password are valid for the entire platform, so if you have previously submitted a manuscript to another journal on the platform, you can use the same username and password for Mikael.

Proposals for thematic sections

Mikael’s issue 2 may include a thematic section edited by guest editors. A thematic section consists of a minimum of three articles addressing the same theme. In addition, a thematic section may include an introductory article written by the guest editors. The language(s) of the articles in the thematic section are decided by the guest editors.

Proposals for a thematic section need to be submitted by email to no later than 31 March a year before the intended publication. The proposal should include

  • the names, affiliations and contact information of the guest editors responsible for the scientific quality of the thematic section
  • the title of the proposed thematic section
  • the call for papers for the section or the titles of the manuscripts intended for the section
  • the proposed timeline.