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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text (and especially the references) are according to the style guidelines
  • The submission is written with 1.5 line spacing and 12-point font (preferably in Arial or Times New Roman).
  • URL-addresses are provided in the references when possible
  • The manuscript has been anonymized (incl. document metadata).
  • The manuscript is accompanied by an abstract.
  • The manuscript is accompanied by a separate cover page, which includes the author(s)'s name(s), e-mail address(es), affiliation(s), and ORCID iD(s).
  • If accepted, the article will be published under licence CC BY-NC 4.0.
  • The author retains the copyright of the article but Mirator withholds the rights to move articles to a new platform.
  • Only the published version of the article may be republished and saved in repositories. The original publication must be cited.

Author Guidelines

Submissions for consideration may be articles or book reviews. There are no limitations concerning how long or short the articles or the reviews should be, as long as the length is appropriate for the subject matter. MIRATOR publishes texts written in Finnish, Swedish and English, and at times also in other European languages depending on a decision by the board of editors. All manuscript submissions, as well as the editing process, is via the website. Please do not send your manuscript by email.

We ask that you write your submissions with 1.5 line spacing and 12-point font (preferably in Arial or Times New Roman). 


A good article is based on the author's own unpublished research, and offers something new on the topic it discusses, or a well founded basis for a new angle on the subject matter. As a multilingual journal, Mirator recognises several valid structural solutions to article writing, but strongly encourages the following: the article should begin by stating the topic under discussion, explain the structure of the article (ie. how the author will go about arguing her or his case) and provide a statement of the arguments. The introduction should also situate the question and argument in relation to other scholarship dealing with the same topic. As the discussion progresses in the article, the author should remind the reader of the relevance of the treatment to the argument of the article, and of how the discussion will proceed.

Ad Fontes

We welcome scholarly articles in Finnish, Swedish, or English that publish hitherto unknown or unpublished medieval documents pertaining to the history of the region of Finland or Finns, and corrections to published documents’ dating or contents. The Ad Fontes section can also include new, improved versions of documents already published by Hausen that follow the modern scholarly process for editions. If you are considering an edition, please contact the Mirator editorial board to discuss a schedule for publication. The completed article and the included edition should be sent to the editorial board through ( Articles will be peer reviewed. Documents edited as part of articles will be transferred with the necessary metadata to the Diplomatarium Fennicum database, where they will be at the disposal of the scholarly community complete with the same information as for the other documents in the DF. The editorial board of the Diplomatarium Fennicum and the Finnish National Archives will be responsible for publishing the editions to be added to the database, and the publication will be in collaboration with the author of the article. For more information, please contact Kirsi Salonen (

Book reviews

A good book review is more than simply a summary of the contents of a book. A review should at a minimum contain an evaluation on the contribution of the book to scholarship, or of its suitability to a given audience. Reviews may have reason to be polemical. Note that we encourage reviewers to bring other scholarship into discussion with the reviewed publication through the use of footnotes. As to form, the review should begin with the full bibliographical details of the reviewed book, including the number of pages.



All contributors are kindly asked to observe the following instructions concerning how the text should technically appear.

While writing an article or a review for MIRATOR, the contributors are asked to use footnotes.

When a text is referred to for the first time, the reference should contain the complete bibliographical data according to the following instructions:


First name(s) Last Name, Title (Series title, number in series), Publisher: Place of Publication Year of Impression, page(s) referred to.


Marko Lamberg, Dannemännen i stadens råd. Rådmanskretsen i nordiska köpstäder under senmedeltiden (Monografier utgivna av Stockholm stad, 155), Stockholmia förlag: Stockholm 2001, 200.

Tuomas Heikkilä, Vita S. Symeonis Treverensis. Ein hochmittelalterli­cher Heiligenkult im Kontext (Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Humaniora 326), Academia Scientiarum Fennica: Helsinki 2002, 142.

Article in an anthology

Forename(s) Last Name, 'Title of the Article', in Editor(s) ed., Title of the Book (Series title, number in series), Publisher: Place of Publication Year, number of first page–number of last page, at page(s) referred to.


Sini Kangas, 'Deus vult – Violence and Suffering as a Means of Salvation during the First Crusade', in Tuomas M. S. Lehtonen & Kurt Villads Jensen eds., Medieval History Writing and Crusading Ideology (Studia Fennica Historica 9), Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura: Helsinki 2005, 163–74, at 171.

Article in a journal/magazine

Forename(s) Last Name, 'Title of the Article', Name of the Journal/Magazine Volume (Year), number of first page–number of last page, at page(s) referred to.


Alaric Hall, 'Elves on the Brain: Chaucer, Old English and Elvish', Anglia 124 (2006), 225–43, at 240.


Further references to works cited earlier are to be written according to the following pattern

Last name Year of publication, page(s)

For example

Kangas 2005, 174.

Printed monograph sources are cited as follows

Author, Title, Editor ed. (Series, number in series), Publisher: Place of Publication Year, Book.chapter, page(s)


Gregorius Magnus, Moralia in Iob, M. Adriaen ed. (Corpus Christianorum Series Latina 143), Brepols: Turnhout 1985, 30.10.43, 1521.

or (when the title is one of many in a source publication):

Gregorius Turonensis, 'Liber in Gloria Confessorum', B. Krusch ed. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores rerum Merovingicarum 1), Hahn: Hannover 1885, c. 18, 757–8.

Further references with appropriately shortened titles

Gregorius Magnus, Moralia, 30.10.43, 1521.
Gregorius Turonensis, 'Liber in Gloria Confessorum', c. 18, 757–8.

References to printed documents

Document publication, Editor ed., Publisher: Place of Publication Year, Number of Document. 


Finlands Medeltidsurkunder, R. Hausen ed., Finlands Statsarkiv: Helsingfors 1910–1935, no. 6533.

Further references are made by a suitable abbreviation, a commonly used one, if possible. 

For example

FMU 6533.

If the abbreviation is not a common one, or if its connection to the full title is at all unclear, the first citation must contain an indication that further references are to be made using a certain abbreviation.


City (in the local language), Archive/Library, MS Signature, f. Nr/v.


Roma, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, MS tomus XXI, ff. 50r–51r.

If an electronic publication is referred to, its URL and the date of consultation should also be mentioned. 

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Please read the Privacy Policy.
The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies and the journal are joint controllers. Their respective responsibilities are described in the document.