About the Journal

Puhe ja kieli (Speech and Language) is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes research in the field of language, speech, communication and interaction studies. The journal mainly publishes scientific articles, book reviews, PhD defences, as well as a topical column in the field of language studies. Only previously unpublished research is accepted to the peer review process. The journal also publishes news and updates from the Finnish association of Speech and Language research. The title was previously called Suomen logopedis-foniatrinen aikakauslehti (Finnish Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics). The name of the journal was changed to Puhe ja kieli (Speech and Language) in 2001. The languages of publication are Finnish and Swedish. No charges are required for manuscript processing or for publishing. All accepted articles are published open-access in the next possible issue, without an embargo.

Peer review

We use the peer-review label of the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV). We are committed to comply with the conditions for using the label (Label for peer-reviewed scholarly publications | tsv.fi; Label for peer-reviewed scholarly publications | tsv.fi ) and to promote in our own activities the peer-review guidelines of the Finnish Association of Scholarly Publishing (Guidelines for peer review - Finnish Association of Scholarly Publishing (tiedekustantajat. fi)) and the principles of the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity (TENK) Good Scientific Practice Guidelines (Tutkimuseettinen neuvottelukunta (tenk.fi); Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK). Only doctoral researchers or other experts in the field who are not affiliated with the manuscript under review are invited to be reviewers. The reviewer cannot be a close relative of the author(s) of the manuscript, a first-person or a research supervisor.



The editor of PUHE JA KIELI reads each manuscript and assesses whether it fits the journal's line. The manuscript is then sent to two external reviewers. During the evaluation process, the identity of both the authors and the reviewers is kept confidential. The review process focuses on the scientific merits of the manuscript, but also aims to make the article readable and to correct any stylistic or factual errors. The author is responsible for proofreading the manuscript.

Speech and Language is published in both electronic and printed form. The magazines are sold in the online shop of the Tiedekirja (https://www.tiedekirja.fi/) and in the Tiedekirja shop at Snellmaninkatu 13, Helsinki. The price for a loose issue of the journal is €15 per copy. Annuals and subscriptions: tiedotus_sihteeri AT puhejakieli.fi

The journal has been awarded a level 2 classification by the Publication Forum (Julkaisufoorumi, JUFO). Level 2 is the leading level in the classification scale from 0 to 3. Publication Forum is a classification of publication channels created by the Finnish scientific community to support the quality assessment of academic research.

Publication ethics and malpractice statement

         i.Journal policies on authorship and contributorship;  

A manuscript may have one or multiple authors. In case of multiple authors, the responsible author will be listed as the first author in the list of authors. The person submitting the manuscript must ensure that everyone listed as an author has had a sufficiently active role in the preparation of the manuscript


       ii.How the journal will handle complaints and appeals;  

Any potential complaints or appeals will be handled on a case-by-case basis by the editors. If necessary, possible issues will be transferred to the executive board of the Finnish Association of Speech and Language Research and/or to the editorial board of the journal. In case of problems, we ask you to contact the editors via e-mail (toimitus@puhejakieli.fi).


     iii.Journal policies on conflicts of interest / competing interests 

Before engaging the peer-review process, the editors will ensure whether the author(s) are members of the executive board of the Finnish Association of Speech and Language Research or the editorial staff of the journal. If such affiliations are found, the author(s) will not be involved in the peer-review process at any stage.


     iv.Journal policies on data sharing and reproducibility 

The journal does not separately publish research data or meta descriptions of research data. The journal does not insist on publishing research data openly but takes a positive stand on the open access and use of research data.


       v.Journal’s policy on ethical oversight 

Puhe ja kieli follows the guidelines of the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity (TENK) on responsible conduct of research (Finnish National Board on Research Integrity 2012:  https://tenk.fi/en). The journal seeks, for its part, to advance the responsible conduct of research, to prohibit any malpractices related to publishing research results, and to advance and facilitate scientific discussions in its field. The editorial team, the Finnish Association of Speech and Language Research and the editor-in-chief of the journal are responsible for the ethical oversight and for handling possible problematic cases. 


     vi.Journal’s policy on intellectual property  

The copyrights to the manuscripts remain with the authors. The authors will have to see to the immaterial rights related to their manuscripts independently. The journal utilizes the license CC NC-ND-SA


    vii.Journal’s options for post-publication discussions and corrections 

Post-publication corrections are sent to the e-mail address of the editorial staff toimitus@puhejakieli and will be handled in as timely fashion as possible. Any corrections will be published in the next available issue of the journal.