Expert views of possibilities of intelligent clothing as augmentative and alternative communication technology


  • Tiina Ihalainen Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
  • Charlotta Elo Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University and Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, Tampere University
  • Emmi-Lotta Rauhala Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University and Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, Tampere University
  • Taru Kosonen Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University and Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, Tampere University
  • Johanna Nissinen Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
  • Oguz Buruk Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences, Tampere University
  • Erja Sipilä Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences, Tampere University
  • Johanna Virkki Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, Tampere University


AAC, augmentative and alternative communication, high-tech AAC, intelligent clothing, smart textiles, wearable electronics


Speech and communication disorders are widespread, and many people are left out from
enjoying vital aspects of life. The currently used Augmentative and Alternative Communication
(AAC) technologies are not enough to overcome these activity limitations and participation
restrictions. Thus, new type of technology is needed. When wearable interfaces are customized
into everyday clothing, body movements and touch on cloth surface could create functional
capacity for people with speech, communication, and physical functioning problems. In
this study, ideas were created in five multidisciplinary workshops, based on the following
questions: Who could benefit from intelligent clothing? For what intelligent clothing could
be used for? How could intelligent clothing be used? In this paper, we present the created
ideas related to supporting self-expression, communication, and participation through
intelligent clothing. The beneficiaries of such technology were ideated to be people with
physical and/or intellectual disabilities, people in the autism spectrum, people with hearing
or hearing and vision impairment, and children with developmental language disorder. Thre
main use scenarios were created, which were asking for help, supporting communication, and
enabling participation and interaction. The use of clothing integrated AAC technology was
ideated to be done by pushing, swiping, brushing, tapping, or clicking.




How to Cite

Ihalainen, T., Elo, C., Rauhala, E.-L., Kosonen, T., Nissinen, J., Buruk, O., Sipilä, E., & Virkki, J. (2021). Expert views of possibilities of intelligent clothing as augmentative and alternative communication technology. Puhe ja kieli, 41(2), 115–137.