Sign languages as hybrid systems - gradience and unconventionality as a part of the structure of sign languages


  • Tommi Jantunen University of Jyväskylä, Department of Language and Communication Studies


Finnish Sign Language, gesture, gradience, linguistic system, sign language, unconventionality


This article investigates gradience and unconventionality as properties in the use of some
units and structures found in all sign languages. Specifically, the article focuses on certain
signs which have a contextually variable form and meaning (i.e. partly lexical signs), as
well as on a type of gradual enactment (i.e. constructed action) which signers use with, inbetween
and instead of traditional syntactic structures. In practice, the article presents a
theoretical view according to which both phenomena in focus are conceptualized as hybrids
that result from the mixing of discrete and conventional features of language with gradient
and unconventional ones. Also, the nature of spoken languages as hybrid systems is briefly




How to Cite

Jantunen, T. (2018). Sign languages as hybrid systems - gradience and unconventionality as a part of the structure of sign languages. Puhe ja kieli, 38(3), 109–126.