Politics of Victimisation

Italian ”Civil War” of National Political Heritage


  • Tuija Parvikko Jyväskylän yliopisto


victimhood nationalism, politics of history, political use of history, politics of victimisation


In this article I read politically Italian history-political struggle over national political heritage and identity. This struggle focuses on mass-killings and mass-escape from areas remained under the rule of socialist Yugoslavia. I will argue that the persistent campaigning of political right-wing circles and exile organizations have succeeded in raising the tragic events of Adriatic border areas upon the pantheon of national historical heritage. I will analyze the principal theses and topoi, in terms of which the struggle has been organized. In my interpretation, the political use and abuse of the history of Adriatic border areas is best understood in terms of Jie-Hyun Lim’s theory of victimhood nationalism. By means of sacralisation of memories, de- and re-contextualisation of evil deeds and events and magical metamorphosis the war criminals and their victims have changed places, political and military responsibility have been blurred and the commonly shared victimhood has become the new basis of national identity.


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How to Cite

Parvikko, T. (2023). Politics of Victimisation: Italian ”Civil War” of National Political Heritage. Politiikka, 65(3). https://doi.org/10.37452/politiikka.130070