Ohjaavatko komissiot Suomen idänkauppaa?
Yhteistyöjärjestelmän taloudellisen ja poliittis-hallinnollisen rationaalisuuden arviointia
There is a special intergovernmental system in the field of Finnish-Soviet economic cooperation containing permanent organs of cooperation between Finland and the Soviet Union. The role and tasks of these cooperation committees and commissions are analyzed in this paper. These organs have an important function in planning, coordinating and guiding the development of the economic and scientific-technical cooperation between Finland and the Soviet Union. During the period from 1960 to 1985, the whole cooperation mechanism has developed, on the one hand, towards the strengthening of the democratic and parliamentary influence (the governmental interest) and, on the other hand, towards an increased flexibility in economic activity (the private enterprise interest).Downloads
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How to Cite
Salminen, A., & Haarala, S. (1986). Ohjaavatko komissiot Suomen idänkauppaa? Yhteistyöjärjestelmän taloudellisen ja poliittis-hallinnollisen rationaalisuuden arviointia. Politiikka, 28(2), 69–83. Retrieved from https://journal.fi/politiikka/article/view/150629
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