Historiapolitiikkaa koulun opetussuunnitelman avulla
The national history narratives conveyed by history teaching have been quite homogenous. During the last decades, however, they have become more polyphonic in many countries. However, not everyone has agreed about the direction of the development, which has led to the so-called History Wars in multiple places. This article examines how governments have used history teaching either for strengthening the national identity or widening the collective memory. It explains how the goals of history teaching in Finland have been redefined. This article also considers the need for a more inclusive history narrative in Finnish history teaching.Lataukset
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Rantala, J., & Eskelinen, T. (2018). Historiapolitiikkaa koulun opetussuunnitelman avulla. Politiikka, 60(2), 112–123. Noudettu osoitteesta https://journal.fi/politiikka/article/view/151936
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