Onko eduskuntavaaliemme vaalitavalle toteuttamiskelpoisia vaihtoehtoja?
Vaalijärjestelmää sekä poliittista järjestelmää ja kulttuuria koskevia pohdintoja
This article to be published in two parts: the second one in Politiikka 4/1987, describes the various alternatives for developing the present parliamentary election system in Finland. Both political and legal aspects are noted. The Finnish election system is strongly based on history and tradition. Therefore it is difficult to alter the system although the claims for justice, rationality and proportionality can speak for a change among the voters. The prerequisities for changing the election system are discussed, taking into consideration also their different effects on the election results and the interests of the political groups within them. Special emphasis is placed on the aspects of proportionality, electoral coalitions between different political parties and the possible alternative system including a minimum per centage number of votes in the country or in the election district required to get mandates in the parliament. The legal ways of securing the interests of the groups besides political parties in nominating candidates and in having them elected are also discussed. The possibility to vote for a list set by the party without choosing a specific candidate (»long lists») is also looked into, as well as the voter’s chance to vary the list. The effects of these alternatives on nominating candidates and the election itself are discussedLataukset
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Halila, H. (1987). Onko eduskuntavaaliemme vaalitavalle toteuttamiskelpoisia vaihtoehtoja? Vaalijärjestelmää sekä poliittista järjestelmää ja kulttuuria koskevia pohdintoja. Politiikka, 29(3), 199–215. Noudettu osoitteesta https://journal.fi/politiikka/article/view/150704
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