Vuoden 1988 presidentinvaalit


  • Heikki Paloheimo


There was a presidential election in Finland early in the year 1988. Five candidates contested for the presidency. The article examines mass support for each of the candidates. Dr. Koivisto got 48 per cent of the votes. One half of the support came from Social Democrats, the other half from people identified with other parties or with no party identification at all. Koivisto’s success was mainly based on his positive image among the electorate. Mr. Väyrynen got 20 per cent of the votes. Most of his support came from loyal supporters of the Centre Party, but with his campaign themes he won votes from other parties, too. Mr. Holkeri got 18 per cent of the votes. His support came from Conservatives, but one fifth of the Conservatives voted for Koivisto and about ten per cent voted for Väyrynen. Mr. Kivisto’s main support came from People’s Democrats, minority Communists and the Greens. Only one fourth of the minority Communists voted for their own candidate, Mr. Kajanoja.


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Paloheimo, H. (1988). Vuoden 1988 presidentinvaalit. Politiikka, 30(2), 125–135. Noudettu osoitteesta