Rappiosta tuhoon:
Neuvostoliiton poliittinen kehitys Gorbatshovin kaudella 1985—1991
The gradual decline and dissolution of the Soviet Union was a partial consequence of the failure of the reform policy carried out under Mikhail Gorbachev’s leadership. This failure has affected all sectors of society, but the political system, legitimization, and national relations in particular. Originally, three different development strategies were seen as possible alternatives, namely the Gor- bachevian reform, the Yeltsinian reform, and the conservative counter-revolution. While all these strategies have more or less failed, a fourth alternative has become more and more immanent, that is, growing fragmentation and chaos.Lataukset
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Iivonen, J. (1992). Rappiosta tuhoon:: Neuvostoliiton poliittinen kehitys Gorbatshovin kaudella 1985—1991. Politiikka, 34(1), 11–22. Noudettu osoitteesta https://journal.fi/politiikka/article/view/150945
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