Angelo Panebiancos institutionaliseringshypotes: testing i en nordisk kontext
The article is an excerpt from my Licentiate thesis, Institutionalisering i nordiska partier. En testning av Angelo Panebiancos institutionaliseringshypotes (1999). Here I explore the causal relation between the genesis of a party and its later organisational development, or institutionalisation, a hypothesis conceived by Angelo Panebianco. This, and also the general applicability of the model, is tested in a comparative study of six parties in Nordic countries. The research findings indicate that the Norwegian parties differ from others due to variables on a systemic level. They show that Panebianco’s categories prove difficult to use in a different context and that the model is constructed on too abstract a plane. It is moreover pointed out that Panebianco’s indicators describe centralisation or oligarchy rather than institutionalisation.Lataukset
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Kronqvist, E. (2000). Angelo Panebiancos institutionaliseringshypotes: testing i en nordisk kontext. Politiikka, 42(4), 278–291. Noudettu osoitteesta
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