Näkemyksiä terrorismin luonteen muuttumisesta


  • Leena Malkki


The events of the 11th September 2001 and some other recent terrorist attacks seem to be significantly different from the acts of terrorism in the previous decades. While the re-evaluation of the theories of terrorism in the light of September 11th has just started, there has been a lot of scholarly debate on the changing face of terrorism from the late 1980s onwards. This article sums up this discussion. Many perceived threats and trends in terrorism manifest in September 2001 have already been discussed for some time. Even though it seems clear that the recent events will lead to significant changes in the way in which the scholarly community thinks about terrorism, it is disputable whether terrorism as a phenomenon has changed as dramatically as it may first appear.


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Malkki, L. (2003). Näkemyksiä terrorismin luonteen muuttumisesta. Politiikka, 45(1), 3–21. Noudettu osoitteesta https://journal.fi/politiikka/article/view/151401