Pelkistettyä todellisuutta: politiikan kokeellinen tutkimus
This article introduces and evaluates a rather little known empirical method in political science, namely the experimental method. Experimentation is defined as the production of empirical data that involves an intervention by the researcher. The typical characteristics of an experiment are treatment, control and randomization. The article describes three types of experiments that represent different fields of experimentation in political science. The advantages and weaknesses of experimentation in political science are also critically examined. Finally, several ethical questions related to experimentation are represented.Lataukset
Lataustietoja ei ole vielä saatavilla.
Herne, K. (2007). Pelkistettyä todellisuutta: politiikan kokeellinen tutkimus. Politiikka, 49(1), 28–38. Noudettu osoitteesta
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