Kolmannen tien politiikkaa : yhdysvaltalaisen kolmannen tien arvot ja politiikka vuoden 1992 jälkeen


  • Markus Kantola


The Third Way movement has tried to reinvigorate the Democratic party of the United States since the eighties. The advocates of the Third Way have claimed that their politics are based on the values of equal opportunity, community and responsibility. In social policy these values have clearly informed the policy prescriptions offered by the supporters of the Third Way. Still, there has been no consensus among the supporters of Third Way on how these values should be defined in practice. Because of these differences there has been no consensus (in terms of details) on what kind of social policy the movement should support. To ensure the long term vitality of the movement, the supporters of the Third Way should focus their energy on defining the core Third Way values.


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Kantola, M. (2010). Kolmannen tien politiikkaa : yhdysvaltalaisen kolmannen tien arvot ja politiikka vuoden 1992 jälkeen. Politiikka, 52(2), 105–117. Noudettu osoitteesta https://journal.fi/politiikka/article/view/151666