Politiikan tutkimuksesta kielitieteenä: Johdatus poliittisen tekstintulkinnan perusteisiin
The paper discusses the constitutive significance of language for politics and vice versa. Both are seen as aspects of human action. The philosophical commitments of a language are constitutive for politics as a special kind of constitution. Politics as action presupposes language as a condition for the formation of a policy. On this basis the language gives a key for studying politics as a kind of »text-hermeneutic science», whose special hermeneutics differs, however, from other disciplines. * 1Nedladdningar
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Referera så här
Palonen, K. (1982). Politiikan tutkimuksesta kielitieteenä: Johdatus poliittisen tekstintulkinnan perusteisiin. Politiikka, 24(2), 121–137. Hämtad från https://journal.fi/politiikka/article/view/150431
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