F-Twist, rationaalisuus ja poliittiset instituutiot
After introducing the idea called F-twist, the article deals with the recent discussion of its validity. In particular, the contributions of Nagel, Musgrave and Tietzel are focused upon. These authors argue that the F-twist simply makes too sweeping a claim and does not appreciate the various types of assumptions encountered in scientific research. We shall then outline an interpretation of the F-twist according to which the unrealism of the assumptions is viewed as idealizational in the sense of Krajewski and Nowak. This interpretation would, however, probably be unacceptable to Friedman as it would imply a rejection of instrumentalism. Finally, the paper focuses on the evaluation of social institutions by means of the results of social choice theory. It is argued that the unrealism of the assumptions plays a normative role in the evaluation. This role has largely been overlooked in the F-twist debate. 1Nedladdningar
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Referera så här
Nurmi, H. (1982). F-Twist, rationaalisuus ja poliittiset instituutiot. Politiikka, 24(4), 316–330. Hämtad från https://journal.fi/politiikka/article/view/150457
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