Valtionvastainen toiminta perustuslaillisena ongelmana
In general we can say that anti-state activity aims at changing the legal system of the country in a way that is prohibited in the legal system. It is also an action which injures the foreign security of the country. A legal system must have the possibility to defend itself against actions that may destroy this system. Rules and actions to defence the legal system against anti-state activities present many problems. If the controlling role of the authorities is greatly emphasized the basic rights of the citizens may be put in jeopardy. The Finnish legal system includes some laws which contradict the security needs of the state and the basic rights of the citizens. *Nedladdningar
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Referera så här
Hidén, M. (1983). Valtionvastainen toiminta perustuslaillisena ongelmana. Politiikka, 25(3), 210–218. Hämtad från
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