Veljeyttä yli rajojen

Neuvostoliiton kommunistisen puolueen ja Suomen kommunistisen puolueen välisten suhteiden kehittyminen ja suhde puoluehajaannukseen


  • Jyrki Iivonen


Tensions between the Finnish Communist Party and the Soviet Communist Party have increased during the last couple of years. Concerning the split of the Finnish Communist Party the Soviet side has officially remained neutral, while it has continuously emphasized the necessity of unity, borders But since 1982 it has begun to criticize the party majority openly. Simultaneously the Soviet Union has increased and intensified her contacts with other Finnish parties, especially with the Social Democrats and the Center Party. Same kind of development has taken place in her relations with other non-ruling communist parties in Europe (e.g. France, Italy and Spain). It is more important and profitable for the Soviet Union to have good relations with the Finnish parties participating in the government. Thus it can be said in this case that the principle of proletarian internationalism has been replaced by the principle of peaceful coexistence.


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Referera så här

Iivonen, J. (1985). Veljeyttä yli rajojen: Neuvostoliiton kommunistisen puolueen ja Suomen kommunistisen puolueen välisten suhteiden kehittyminen ja suhde puoluehajaannukseen. Politiikka, 27(1), 16–27. Hämtad från