Kuinka Suomen Kommunistisesta Puolueesta tuli hallituspuolue vuonna 1966
This article describes the development of the Finnish Communist Party from a more or less fundamental opposition party to a part of the left-centre coalition government in 1966. The following reasons for this are seen to be: the leftist change in the Social Democratic Party in 1963 which made the cooperation between the social democrats and communists possible, the results of the 1966 parliamentary elections in which resulted in a left-wing majority, the coalition had been weak without the communists and the attitude of the president which was favourable to the communist participation. This latter point is not, however, further elaborated because the archives of president Kekkonen are not available for researchers. The main source of the article is the archives of the Finnish Communist Party.Nedladdningar
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Referera så här
Paastela, J. (1990). Kuinka Suomen Kommunistisesta Puolueesta tuli hallituspuolue vuonna 1966. Politiikka, 32(2), 102–111. Hämtad från https://journal.fi/politiikka/article/view/150859
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