Teoria, instituutiot ja hallituksenmuodostus Länsi-Euroopassa
The basic argument of this paper has to do with how political theorists talk about many of the most important aspects of politics, and how people doing empirical research talk about the same things. A gap between these two is at the heart of perhaps the most fundamental problem of European political science. There are two solutions to this problem. The first has to do with the training of political scientists. The second has to do with the substantive theoretical developments within political science. The so- called new institutionalism may be a way of building a bridge between empirical research and rational choice theorisingNedladdningar
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Referera så här
Laver, M. (1991). Teoria, instituutiot ja hallituksenmuodostus Länsi-Euroopassa. Politiikka, 33(1), 3–10. Hämtad från https://journal.fi/politiikka/article/view/150910
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