Salaiset vaalit ja matemaattinen kryptografia
We outline a voting system based on modern mathematical cryptography. The system is designed to satisfy the following conditions in addition to those traditionally imposed upon secret balloting systems: a. the balloting may take place in computer networks, b. each voter may check that his/her vote has been correctly counted, c. each voter may cancel his/her previous vote and give it to another candidate within a specified period of time, and d. a voter may correct the mistakes made by the system. We argue that all these conditions can be satisfied without jeopardizing the ballot secrecy.Nedladdningar
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Referera så här
Nurmi, H., & Salomaa, A. (1991). Salaiset vaalit ja matemaattinen kryptografia. Politiikka, 33(1), 11–18. Hämtad från
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