’Viholliskuvan’, ’vihollisensa ’toisen’ käsitteistä sekä niiden keskinäisistä suhteista


  • Vilho Harle


While there is an increasing number of studies dealing with ’Otherness’, practically taken no conceptual elaboration has been suggested. Scholars speak of the ’Enemy image’, the ’Other’, and the ’Enemy’ synonymously. However, it can be suggested that the ’Enemy image’ tells how a source of perceived threat looks, the ’Other’ tells what or who the Self is not and so establishes self-identity, and the ’Enemy’ specifies the relationship between us and them as an uncompromisingly hostile struggle between Good and Evil. While the ’Other’ implies ambivalence (it may turn out to be either Friend or Enemy), this uncertainty is immediately abolished if the ’Other’ is defined as the ’Enemy’. As to relations between the concepts, the ’Enemy image’ and the ’Enemy’ are closer to each other than to the ’Other’; on the other hand, while the ’Enemy image’ and the ’Other’ can be found anywhere, the ’Enemy’ is mainly connected to Occidental religious and political traditions. Finally, it is maintained that a careful consideration of the key concepts and their relationship would enhance inter- and trans-disciplinary efforts. Scholars in Political Science can contribute to the study of ’Otherness’ by emphasizing the political nature of the relationship and so giving a possibility to go beyond a mere description of unique phenomena


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Referera så här

Harle, V. (1994). ’Viholliskuvan’, ’vihollisensa ’toisen’ käsitteistä sekä niiden keskinäisistä suhteista. Politiikka, 36(4), 229–239. Hämtad från https://journal.fi/politiikka/article/view/151076