Domino-strategin i praktiken:

EU-folkomröstningarna i Österrike, Finland, Sverige och Norge


  • Detleft Jahn
  • Anne-Sofie Storsved


Although European integration promotes economic co-operation it also reveals problems concerning national and regional identity. In order to obtain broad legitimacy for EU membership, the new potential member states Austria, Finland, Sweden and Norway conducted national referendums on whether or not they should join the EU. The comparative analysis of the outcome of these referendums and the national debates on the EU question illuminates the national differences and similarities of countries in an era after the traditional East-West bloc thinking. These referendums are also an example of an international synchronisation of the political establishments. This synchronisation is discussed in the light of a ’Domino Strategy’ of the referendums. The establishments were trying not only to persuade their own people but also to influence the outcome in each other’s countries. However, referendums obey their own rules. The article describes some aspects of the referendum campaigns by stressing the importance of geographical differences, organisational standpoints, public opinion and discourse which show astonishing similarities but also decisive differences. Finally, the article focuses on the outcome of the first European election in Sweden, which supports the interpretation in terms of the ’Domino Strategy’ in a rather impressive manner.


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Referera så här

Jahn, D., & Storsved, A.-S. (1995). Domino-strategin i praktiken:: EU-folkomröstningarna i Österrike, Finland, Sverige och Norge. Politiikka, 37(4), 238–252. Hämtad från