Modernien puolueiden kertomukset

Kokoomuslaisten ja sosiaalidemokraattien puoluekäsitykset 1960-1970-luvuilla kertomusnäkökulmasta


  • Rauli Mickelsson


In this article I study the stories of the Coalition Party and the Social Democratic Party in Finland. The subject matter of my study was published in papers during the years 1965-1978 mainly reaching the party members. I see a party as a construction of conceptions that is reflected in immanent discourse. I have divided the stories into two groups, goal stories and achievement stories. The politicization goal stories appeared during the years 1965-1972 and the politicking achievement stories appeared during the years 1973-1978. At the beginning of the period of study planning and rationality were put on the agenda. At the end of period planning and rationality united the political ideology of all the political parties. The period ended with the questioning of the arguments of planning, reason and development.


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Referera så här

Mickelsson, R. (1997). Modernien puolueiden kertomukset: Kokoomuslaisten ja sosiaalidemokraattien puoluekäsitykset 1960-1970-luvuilla kertomusnäkökulmasta. Politiikka, 39(3), 218–235. Hämtad från