Hajautuvat politiikan paikat - yhtäläistyvät kaupunkipolitiikat : kaupunkisuunnittelu politiikkojen toteuttajana Berliinissä
Politics is increasingly made outside traditional national structures, because of the restructuration of politics and economy and changes in their relations. Cities have a growing role in this development. This article is about urban policies in the changing situation. Although cities’ political and economic role is increasing and their political arenas are becoming more complex, different urban policy fields are instrumentalized into uniformed economic development policies. I take Berlin as an example of a city of production-oriented, entrepreneurial urban policies (“Unternehmen Berlin“). Urban planning is a means to set up and implement economic development policies. This can be seen especially in privatized or quasi-public planningorganisations, as in my case study in Berlin. In Finland, cities as places for politics have a tendency to follow urban policies usual in western Europe. The national level supports the development by the legislation.Nedladdningar
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Referera så här
Kurunmäki, K. (1999). Hajautuvat politiikan paikat - yhtäläistyvät kaupunkipolitiikat : kaupunkisuunnittelu politiikkojen toteuttajana Berliinissä. Politiikka, 41(1). Hämtad från https://journal.fi/politiikka/article/view/151257
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