Roistovaltioiden aika ei ole ohi
The title of this article is a response to Jacques Derrida’s earlier hypothesis according to which the era of rogue states is over. Accordingly, the attempt is to show the continuing relevance of rogue state discourse and policies. This is done not only by looking at post-Cold War US foreign policy but also by focusing attention on the historical underpinnings of the rogue state concept. Drawing from Carl Schmitt, the origins of the concept are traced to an older idea of state criminality that took shape after World War I. More significantly, it is argued that Derrida’s hypothesis also involved a certain interpretation of international society, to which this article aims to provide an alternative.Nedladdningar
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Referera så här
Erästö, T. (2006). Roistovaltioiden aika ei ole ohi. Politiikka, 48(3), 173–181. Hämtad från
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