Kilpailukyky-yhteiskunta ja yksilö : Sitran tulevaisuusstrategia Michael Oakeshottin käsitteistön näkökulmasta
This article studies the Finland 2015 programme reports published by the Finnish Innovation Fund, Sitra. The reports form a strategy for the nation’s future. The article critically analyses this vision of future society and its understanding of the human individual. The strategy considers competitiveness, know-how, creativity and multiculturalism as the key factors for Finland’s future success. However, the goal of improving economic competitiveness comes before everything else in the strategy. The pursuit of that goal begins to control and govern all the functions of society. Even though the strategy speaks about freedom, the individual freedom in Sitra’s vision is always subject to the goal of improving economical competitiveness. Hence its understanding of the human individual is remarkably narrow.Nedladdningar
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Referera så här
Kettunen, A. (2008). Kilpailukyky-yhteiskunta ja yksilö : Sitran tulevaisuusstrategia Michael Oakeshottin käsitteistön näkökulmasta. Politiikka, 50(4), 238–249. Hämtad från
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