Julkisojen keskustelu : julkisen keskustelun muodostuminen ja dynamiikka Helsingin ja Sipoon rajakiistan alkuvaiheessa
The study discusses the formation and reciprocal character of public deliberation in the context of territorial annexations in Finland’s metropolitan area. The article sets out to discuss the proximity between the formation of the public, as a process of public interaction as conceptualized in communication research, and the concept of political deliberation. The article analyzes the formation of the public that occurred when the municipality of Helsinki appealed to the Finnish government to aid in annexing territory from the adjacent municipality of Sipoo. The study, using situational analysis, examines the onset of the public proceedings by analyzing 244 texts from Finnish and Swedish language newspapers of the region and 7 interviews of citizen activists. The study finds that the public formed in the reciprocal actions of four discrete discursive publics, each characterized by distinct communicative roles in the entirety of the debate. The four publics: the organizing, the classic analytical, the defensive and the deliberative, contributed to the process of deliberation in relevant but different ways, as understood from the perspective of political deliberation.Nedladdningar
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Referera så här
Ripatti-Torniainen, L., & Hujanen, J. (2012). Julkisojen keskustelu : julkisen keskustelun muodostuminen ja dynamiikka Helsingin ja Sipoon rajakiistan alkuvaiheessa. Politiikka, 54(3), 188–204. Hämtad från https://journal.fi/politiikka/article/view/151762
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