Perusduunarit, vihervasemmisto ja porvarit : suomalaisen äänestäjäkunnan jakautuminen ideologisiin blokkeihin vuoden 2011 eduskuntavaaleissa


  • Jussi Westinen
  • Elina Kestilä-Kekkonen


Party identification and party loyalty have been key predictors of party choice in the Finnish elec­toral research. However, less attention has been paid to those voters that consider more than one party before the elections. This article provides with new information on these glancing voters by grouping them into different ideological blocs according to the central conflicting lines in the Finn­ish political system. The results show that Finnish electorate forms seven separate blocs. Three of them follow the traditional socioeconomic dimension (left-wing bloc, blue-collar bloc and bourgeois bloc), but the others are either attached to the sociocultural dimension (red-green bloc and con­servative bloc) or are constructed on the basis of attitudes on decentralization or on EU issues (anti-EU rural bloc and liberal pro-EU bloc). The data used in the study is the Finnish National Elec­tion Study 2011 (N=1298) and Chapel Hill Expert Survey (2010) which are analyzed both descrip­tively and by applying logistic regression.


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Referera så här

Westinen, J., & Kestilä-Kekkonen, E. (2015). Perusduunarit, vihervasemmisto ja porvarit : suomalaisen äänestäjäkunnan jakautuminen ideologisiin blokkeihin vuoden 2011 eduskuntavaaleissa. Politiikka, 57(2), 94–114. Hämtad från