The four digital horsemen: Disinformation, misinformation, fake news and pseudoscience
disinformaatio, meemit, misinformaatio, pseudotiede, salaliittoteoriat, valeuutiset, tiedonvälitysAbstrakti
Deception and information distortion are likely as ancient as communication itself. The contemporary digital media ecosystem, however, has vastly amplified and accelerated the potential reach and deleterious impact of such distortions. Four common digital types of such distortion are examined: misinformation, disinformation, fake news, and pseudoscience, collectively subsumed under the concept of distorted information in media (DIM). DIM threatens the erosion of democratic institutions, civic discourse, rational policy formation, and public health. As such, DIM poses potential existential threats to humanity. Addressing such threats requires comprehensive theory development. An integrative nested multilevel systems model of meme diffusion (M3D) is posited to provide a framework for organizing relevant theories, constructs, and research. M3D is organized by exigency, message, communicator, social network, societal context, geotechnical, and outcome levels. The heuristic value of the model is illustrated by its potential for generating testable propositions as a priority for theory development in the area of DIM diffusion.
Copyright (c) 2025 Brian H. Spitzberg

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