About the Journal


ISSN 2342-3684

Prologi – Journal of Communication and Social Interaction
Prologi is a scholarly journal of The Finnish Association of Communication and Social Interaction Prologos. The journal presents the latest research on communication and social interaction. Manuscripts can be submitted for publication in Finnish, Swedish, and English all year round.

The call for papers is ongoing. The journal publishes at least two numbers each year. Additionally, you are most welcome to submit a proposal for a thematic issue. All the articles published are free of charge for both authors and readers.

The submitted manuscript can focus, for instance, on interpersonal relationships, groups, teams and communities, leadership communication, performance and public speaking, influence and argumentation, political communication, intercultural communication, technologically-mediated communication, or the connection between interaction and well-being. The focus of the study may also be related to communication competence and training.

The journal publishes empirical studies, theoretical and methodological articles as well as reflective and evaluative reviews of a research area or perspective. The manuscripts are peer-reviewed. In addition, Prologi publishes topical speeches on communication such as keynote speeches, doctoral researchers’ lectio praecursoria lectures, book reviews, and discussions on communication research and teaching.

The journal provides an academic forum for multidisciplinary research. In order to increase cooperation among and dialogue with experts in different fields, scholars from all disciplines are encouraged to submit their papers to Prologi.

How to publish in Prologi? Prepare a manuscript of maximum 50,000 characters including spaces but excluding references. Follow the guidelines of APA (7th ed.). You have two options for submitting the manuscript for peer review: (1) Register for the online submission system https://journal.fi/prologi or (2) Send the manuscript to the Editor-in-Chief.

For more information: Dr Sanna Herkama, Editor-in-chief (sanna.herkama[at] utu.fi)