Weeds in the Greenhouse: Curating Posthuman Engagements


  • Nina Liebenberg University of the Arts, Helsinki


curatorship, plant science, interdisciplinary, posthuman, blind spots


In an ode to Woolgar and Latour’s Laboratory life (1979), this visual essay traces what occurred during a series of fieldtrips and workshops I organised between students from Uniarts and Aalto University, and researchers at the Viikki Plant Sciences Centre, Helsinki. It highlights how disciplines promote a particular way of looking and of understanding the world that privileges certain of its characteristics over others – a process that can lead to the development of potential blind spots that hinder discovery. The curatorial is posited as a means for combating these limitations and for understanding plant-human relationships in an expanded way.

Visual Essays



How to Cite

Liebenberg, N. (2024). Weeds in the Greenhouse: Curating Posthuman Engagements. Research in Arts and Education, 2024(2), 105–119. https://doi.org/10.54916/rae.145486