Studia Celtica Fennica is the Yearbook of the Finnish Society for Celtic Studies, SFKS, published annually since 2004. We are an international peer-reviewed, Open Access journal dedicated to all periods of the history, literature and languages of the Celtic-speaking countries.
Vol 14 (2017): Studia Celtica Fennica
Esipuhe / Editorial
Phillip A. Bernhardt-House
Binding the Wolf, Leashing the Hound: Canid Eschatologies in Irish and Norse Myth
George Broderick
The Last Native Manx Gaelic Speakers. The Final Phase: ‘Full’ or ‘Terminal’ in speech?
John Collis
Celts Ancient and Modern: Recent Controversies in Celtic Studies
Grigory Grigoryev
Bachal Isu: the Symbolism of St. Patrick’s Crosier in Early Medieval Irish Hagiography
Mikhail Kiselev
Some notes on origin of motif of the Ulaid’s false beards in Cáth Áenaig Macha and
Cóir Anmann
Ksenia Kudenko
Tochmarc Moméra as Echtra to the Otherworld
Eugene McKendry
Celtic Languages in Education in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
Kevin Murray
H and the First Recension of the Táin
Joseph Nagy
The Pride of Heroes and the Problems of Readers of Medieval Celtic Literature
Tomás O’Cathasaigh
The Ulster Exiles and Thematic Symmetry in Recension I of Tain Bo Cuailnge
Jouna Pyysalo
A Minor Sound Law for Celtic