Studia Celtica Fennica is the Yearbook of the Finnish Society for Celtic Studies, SFKS, published annually since 2004. We are an international peer-reviewed, Open Access journal dedicated to all periods of the history, literature and languages of the Celtic-speaking countries.
Vol 15 (2018): Studia Celtica Fennica
Tom Sjöblom
In Memoriam - Anders Ahlqvist
Alexandra Bergholm
Immram curaig Maile Duin: Máel Dúinin veneen merimatka
George Broderick
Manx Traditional Songs and Song-fragments in the End-phase of Manx Gaelic: From the Clague Music Collection (1890s)
Kristen Mills
Glossing the Glosses: The Right Marginal Notes on Glaidomuin and Gudomhuin in TCD MS 1337
Andrew Newby
“A Project So Flashy And Bizarre”: Irish Volunteers and the Second Schleswig War
Anna June Pagé
Deirdriu and Heroic Biography
Kirja-arvosteluja — Book reviews