Työikäisten ansiotyö ja työmarkkinasiirtymät 2007–2014 kohorttiaineiston valossa


  • Saara Koikkalainen Itä-Suomen yliopisto
  • Asko Suikkanen Lapin yliopisto
  • Juha Siltala Helsingin yliopisto
  • Pekka Vasari Lapin yliopisto
  • Ritva Linnakangas Lapin yliopisto


longitudinal register data, transitional labour markets, labour markets, labour market stability


The labour market participation of working-age population varies, for example, according to gender, education, social background, age, and age cohort. To highlight the significance of institutional factors, Günther Schmid introduced the concept of transitional labour markets (TLM) which focused on continuities and career breaks in labour market participation. This article takes part in discussions on labour market continuities and stability based on representative Finnish longitudinal register data. We focus on three cohorts, who were 34, 44 and 54 years old at the beginning of the observation period of 2007–2014. Our analysis demonstrates that during the eight-year period, half of those within the labour force, born in 1953, 1963, and 1973 remained in a stable labour market position while the other half ended up in varying transitions, facilitated by the welfare state. The observations complement the picture of Finnish labour markets and show that employment relationships are guided by institutional factors and polarised when examined by cohort and by the duration of unemployment and individual work careers. Our results support Schmid’s theory on cohort-specific and institutional transitions in labour market careers.





How to Cite

Koikkalainen, S., Suikkanen, A., Siltala, J., Vasari, P., & Linnakangas, R. (2024). Työikäisten ansiotyö ja työmarkkinasiirtymät 2007–2014 kohorttiaineiston valossa. Sosiologia, 61(4). Retrieved from https://journal.fi/sosiologia/article/view/152521