Mormonismin tutkimus Suomessa

Kirjallisuutta, tutkimusideoita ja lähteitä


  • Kim Östman Åbo Akademi


Kim Östman, mormonismi, Suomi


This paper is a review of the scholarly study of Mormonism in Finland. After a general context of worldwide Mormon studies is laid, the initial literature survey focuses on describing research topics and results presented in Finnish scientific articles and in Master’s theses developed mostly at Finnish universities. The topics of the studies vary between fields such as theology, sociology, gender studies, and missionary work. Research has so far been fairly scarce in Finland. Thus the paper also encourages further study of the Latter-day Saints by discussing a collection of research ideas for different fields and by describing repositories of primary source material both abroad and in Finland. These include church archives in Salt Lake City, USA, and in Hämeenlinna and Helsinki, Finland. So far these repositories have been utilized very little in researching Finnish Mormonism, and therefore they are interesting sources for new material.




Referera så här

Östman, K. (2006). Mormonismin tutkimus Suomessa: Kirjallisuutta, tutkimusideoita ja lähteitä. Uskonnontutkija - Religionsforskaren, (2). Hämtad från