What Causes Finnish Family Farmers Feel Successful? The Role of Resources and Entrepreneurial Characteristics


  • Furkan Yigit Department of Economics and Management, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki
  • Leena Rantamäki-Lahtinen Department of Economics and Management, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2552-0216
  • Timo Sipiläinen Department of Economics and Management, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9332-6541


family farms, entrepreneurship, resource utilization, perceptions, success, Finland


This study investigates the influences of resources and entrepreneurial characteristics on perceived success in family
farms using the Resource-Based Theory and Entrepreneurial Orientation perspectives. Resources and entrepreneurial orientation are used to identify success perceptions. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling were applied to the survey data of 805 Finnish family farmers. Family farmers rate their skills as good, and their abilities of proactiveness and self-realization success as high. The results suggest that both resources and entrepreneurial orientation affect the perceived success of family farmers, although the role of entrepreneurial
orientation is relatively small. Co-variability between resources and entrepreneurial orientation is positive, addressing
the change towards the same direction. This study promotes the understanding of the family perspective and its role in the successful use of resources and entrepreneurial capabilities in farming and offers a developed construct for family farm business research.


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2024-05-08 — Updated on 2024-06-30


How to Cite

Yigit, F., Rantamäki-Lahtinen, L., & Sipiläinen, T. (2024). What Causes Finnish Family Farmers Feel Successful? The Role of Resources and Entrepreneurial Characteristics. Agricultural and Food Science, 33(2), 175–188. https://doi.org/10.23986/afsci.142601 (Original work published May 8, 2024)
Received 2024-01-15
Accepted 2024-04-25
Published 2024-06-30