Influence of pre partum and post partum plane of nutrition on the performance of crossbred suckler cows and their progeny


  • H. HUHTA


The objective of the experiment was to study the effects of two pre partum and four post partum feeding levels on the performance of 28 Hereford-Ayrshire and 30 Limousine-Ayrshire spring-calving mature cows in calf to Limousin and their calves from the beginning of indoor feeding until the end of grazing under Finnish climatic conditions. A 2 H 2 factorial design experiment consisted of a low (L) and moderate (M) pre partum feeding levels based on hay and straw and two post partum concentrate feeding levels, 1.5 and 3.5 kg/d (1 and 2, respectively). The treatments were replicated across the genotypes. For feeding level L the amount of roughage offered was restricted to proportionately 0.7 on a dry matter (DM) basis of feeding level M. Milled barley was offered at 1.3 kg DM/d to all cows 72 days pre calving. The experiment was divided into two parts, an indoor feeding (215 days) and grazing period (114 days). The indoor feeding period included three periods, from start of the study to the beginning of additional concentrate feeding (P1) and feeding additional concentrate supplements both pre (P2) and post calving (P3). On feeding level M cows had a daily intake of 9.1 and 10.4 kg DM during periods P1 and P2, respectively. During period P3 intake was 10.4 and 12.0 kg DM for 1 and 2. Corresponding values for feeding level L were 6.7, 8.0, 8.0 and 9.7 kg DM, respectively. At the onset of grazing, cows on feeding level M were 47 kg heavier (P<0.05) than those on feeding level L. At pasture, cows fed feeding level L had a higher (P<0.001) live weight gain (LWG) than those on feeding level M. Cows fed less concentrate lost more (P<0.001) live weight from calving to grazing than those receiving higher amounts (-1241 vs. -588 g/d) but compensated for these losses (P<0.05) at pasture. Post partum concentrate feeding did not affect cow condition. During indoor feeding cows receiving a lower level of feeding lost more (P<0.05) condition (-0.67 vs.-0.09 for L and M, respectively). Pre partum treatments did not lead to calving difficulties. Treatments had no effect on calf LWG pre weaning. Cows had a mean milk production of 11.8 kg/d and an average conception rate of 86.8%. Cows on diet L1 appeared to receive enough energy for satisfactory cow and calf performance. The current data indicates that feeding levels pre calving have a greater significance on cow and calf performance than the plane of nutrition post calving. Key words: beef cows, calves, conception rate, condition score, milk production, plane of nutrition ;





How to Cite

MANNINEN, M., & HUHTA, H. (2001). Influence of pre partum and post partum plane of nutrition on the performance of crossbred suckler cows and their progeny. Agricultural and Food Science, 10(1), 3–18.