Lactate-utilizing Corynebacterium from the rumen of cattle


  • Helge Gyllenberg Department of Microbiology, University of Helsinki
  • Martti Lampila Agricultural Research Centre, Department of Animal Husbandry, Tikkurila


A lactate-utilizing aerobic bacterium from the rumen of cattle is described. The characteristics of the strain showed a close resemblance to Corynehacterium enzymicum, earlier considered to be derived only from human sources. The relatively low counts of the bacterium in the rumen and its relatively wide temperature range indicated that it is only a casual inhabitant of the rumen, an that its natural habitat is the soil, and hay or related materials. Since this finding is compatible with the corresponding conclusions of other authors as regards closely related corynebacteria, it can be presumed that those corynebacteria hitherto reported only from human sources may be more widely distributed in nature.


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How to Cite

Gyllenberg, H., & Lampila, M. (1955). Lactate-utilizing Corynebacterium from the rumen of cattle. Agricultural and Food Science, 27(1), 53–56.