Kokeita automaattiruokinnan järjestämiseksi meijerisikalassa. II


  • P. Saarinen Helsingin Yliopiston Kotieläintieteellinen laitos, Viikin koetila, Malmi
  • E. Syrjänen Helsingin Yliopiston Kotieläintieteellinen laitos, Viikin koetila, Malmi
  • Vuokko Hyvärinen Helsingin Yliopiston Kotieläintieteellinen laitos, Viikin koetila, Malmi


In the second year of feeding experiments carried out at the piggery belonging to the Finnish Cooperative Dairies Association Valio creamery at Ylitornio comparisons were made of (a) the basic feed combined with fresh whey ,(b) the basic feed + an addition of oat hull meal, combined with fresh whey, and (c) the basic feed combined with dried whey, giving the following results. When the raw fibre content of the dry feed mixture was raised from 6.9 % to 9.2 % by adding 10 % oat hull meal to the basic feed for 40 kgs live weight uppwards, this did not decrease the consumption of dry feed nor did it increase the consumption of whey. The results were a somewhat less additional growth and a higher ratio of feed consumption than in the standard group. This may be partly due to the fact that the consumption of whey in this test was smaller than expected, or only about 1 200 kg per animal. When dried whey was used instead of fresh whey, making up 50 % of the dry feed mixture, at the beginning stages of the experiment up to 45 kg live weight it appeared to have a favourable effect on the rate of growth and the utilisation of the feed as compared with the effect of fresh whey. In larger pigs fed on dried whey the rate of growth of the animal appeared to be less favourable in comparison, but here also the dried whey had, on the average, a relatively better production effect per Scandinavian feed unit than the fresh whey.


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How to Cite

Saarinen, P., Syrjänen, E., & Hyvärinen, V. (1958). Kokeita automaattiruokinnan järjestämiseksi meijerisikalassa. II. Agricultural and Food Science, 30(1), 67–72. https://doi.org/10.23986/afsci.71469