Mineral content of grain yield of cereals and the effect of fertilization on it


  • Yrjö Pessi Kemira Oy, Helsinki
  • Jorma Syvälahti Kemira Oy, Helsinki
  • Esko Saari Kemira Oy, Helsinki
  • Mikko Ylänen Kemira OY, Helsinki


This investigation examines the mineral content of cereal grain yields and the effect of NPK-fertilization on this content. The NPK-fertilization and the increased yield level thus obtained have not essentially affected the mineral contents of cereal grain. Among different kinds of cereals the mineral content of oats is in most cases the highest and that of rye and winter wheat the lowest. None of the different kinds of fertilizers gave clear differences in the mineral content of barley grain.


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How to Cite

Pessi, Y., Syvälahti, J., Saari, E., & Ylänen, M. (1974). Mineral content of grain yield of cereals and the effect of fertilization on it . Agricultural and Food Science, 46(3), 264–270. https://doi.org/10.23986/afsci.71883