Kuitumäärityksen merkitys kotieläinten ruokinnassa


  • Maija-Liisa Salo Helsingin yliopiston kotieläintieteen laitos, 00710 Helsinki 71, Finland


Information is given on the chemical composition and digestibility of cell-wall constituents. Special attention is paid to the value of different analytical systems in the prediction of digestibility and nutritive value of feeds. As a part of the Weende analytical scheme, crude fibre is still of importance in feed tables. It is al used in farming practice as a rough quality criterion for forages and certain other feeds. In evaluating the digestibility of forages by an analytical system, however, the biological methods - especially in vitro and in sacco digestibilities - have proved superior to the Weende crude fibre and van Soest’s fibre analyses and to other chemical methods. Certain combinations of chemical and biological methods also have been found useful. The same systems are not available for concentrates. Schemes have been developed for concentrates based on the contents of starch, sugar, protein and fat.


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How to Cite

Salo, M.-L. (1982). Kuitumäärityksen merkitys kotieläinten ruokinnassa . Agricultural and Food Science, 54(5), 321–329. https://doi.org/10.23986/afsci.72113