Finnsheep and their utilization in crosses with the Merino under range conditions of South-Africa


  • J. C. Greeff Animal and Dairy Science Research Institute, Irene, RSA
  • J. H. Hofmeyr Animal and Dairy Science Research Institute, Irene, RSA


Two field trials were performed at two localities in a semiarid region to evaluate the performance of Finn (F) x Merino(M) crossbred females. The trials involved 781 F x M ewes and 657 M ewes. Ile de France, S.A. Mutton Merino, Dohne Merino, M, and F x M rams were used for matings. The F x M ewes were superior to M ewes in lambing-%, especially after mating as lambs, and the fecundities were 187and 107 %, resp. Multiple lambs of F x M ewes had better survival rates than those of M ewes. Lambs born from F x M ewes grew faster, had a larger weaning mass, over 10 % longer stables, ca. 2 mm thicker fibres, 30 % lower clean fleece weights, and a little less crimps/25 mm than those born from M ewes. Thus, F x M seemed to provide a suitable and acceptable composite showing remarkable adaptability to harsh environmental conditions. The results from the F x M wool and its special qualities can be regarded as useful attributes. Establishment of a composite F x M female line appeared well-founded.





How to Cite

Greeff, J. C., & Hofmeyr, J. H. (1988). Finnsheep and their utilization in crosses with the Merino under range conditions of South-Africa. Agricultural and Food Science, 60(6), 500–504.