Repeatability of subjective grading in fur animals I. Grading of live foxes (Vulpes vulpes)


  • Hilkka Kenttämies University of Helsinki, Department of Animal Breeding, SF-00710 Helsinki, Finland
  • Harri Käyhkö Turkis-Sampo, 83900 Juuka, Finland


Repeatabilities of subjective grading were studied for colour and body size in silver foxes, and for general appearance in various colour types of the fox. Statistically significant differences between scoring times were found for each trait. However, the judge factor had the greatest effect on scores for colour and body size in silver foxes. There were differences between the mean scores in general appearance given for the various colour types. Colour tended to be easier to judge than body size or general appearance. The coefficients of repeatability were 0.74 for colour, 0.55 for body size and 0.57 for general appearance. The repeatabilities among the various judges were 0.68-0.82 for colour and 0.51-0.59 for body size. Among the various colour types the ”silver types” seemed to be easier to judge than the ”golden types”. The repeatabilities were 0.57 to 0.59 vs, 0.50 to 0.55 for general appearance.





How to Cite

Kenttämies, H., & Käyhkö, H. (1992). Repeatability of subjective grading in fur animals I. Grading of live foxes (Vulpes vulpes). Agricultural and Food Science, 1(3), 303–307.