The effect of disinfectants on fungal diseases of cucumber


  • Hanna Avikainen Agricultural Research Centre of Finland, Institute of Plant Protection, FIN-31600 Jokioinen, Finland
  • Hilkka Koponen Department of Plant Biology, P.O.Box 28, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Risto Tahvonen Agricultural Research Centre of Finland, Institute of Plant Protection, FIN-31600 Jokioinen, Finland


Formaline, lobac P, sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), Korsolin and Menno-Ter-forte were effective disinfectants in the control of damping-off (Pythium sp.) from peat substrate. Ipasept, Sanisept and Virkon S (1%) were shown ineffective against Pythium sp. in peat. Only formaline was effective in the control of black root rot (Phomopsis sclerotioides) from peat. In sand substrate P. sclerotioides could be eradicated also with sodium hypochlorite. Verticillium wilt (Verticillium dahliae) from peat substrate could be controlled with formaline, lobac P, sodium hypochlorite and Virkon S. Formaline and sodium hypochlorite were effective against Verticillium wilt in sand. Black stem rot (Didymella hryoniae) was susceptible to all disinfectants tested.





How to Cite

Avikainen, H., Koponen, H., & Tahvonen, R. (1993). The effect of disinfectants on fungal diseases of cucumber. Agricultural and Food Science, 2(2), 179–188.