Effects of sulphur fertilization in organically cultivated faba bean


  • Zahra Saad Omer Rural Economy and Agricultural Society, Uppsala, Sweden
  • Elisabet Nadeau Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
  • Eva Stoltz Rural Economy and Agricultural Society, Örebro, Sweden
  • Eva Edin Rural Economy and Agricultural Society, Västerås, Sweden
  • Ann-Charlotte Wallenhammar Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences


Optimal seed yield and quality requires that the sulphur (S) demand of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is ensured. The effect of S fertilization on organic cultivated faba bean was investigated under field conditions during two growing seasons (2017–2018), in Sweden. Kieserite (MgSO4) and gypsum (CaSO4) were applied at a rate of 20 and 40 kg ha-1 to study the effect on faba bean growth, yield, crude protein (CP) content and amino acid (AA) composition. Gypsum and kieserite significantly increased S concentration of faba bean dry matter (DM) in 2017. The S concentration ranged from 0.20% to 0.23% of DM compared to 0.18% in the untreated control. In 2018, kieserite application at 40 kg ha-1 significantly increased S concentration to 0.15% compared to 0.12% in the untreated control. The faba bean plants did, however, not respond neither with increased growth nor increased seed yield. The seed quality in terms of CP and S-containing AA, was not affected by S fertilization, however, significant differences were observed between the experimental sites.





How to Cite

Omer, Z. S., Nadeau, E., Stoltz, E., Edin, E., & Wallenhammar, A.-C. (2020). Effects of sulphur fertilization in organically cultivated faba bean . Agricultural and Food Science, 29(5), 471–481. https://doi.org/10.23986/afsci.99409
Received 2020-11-16
Accepted 2020-12-21
Published 2020-12-30