Asiantuntijatyöntekijöiden kokemuksia psykologisten perustarpeiden täyttymisestä työhyvinvoinnin ja työssäsuoriutumisen näkökulmasta


  • Jenni Piirto Tampereen yliopisto
  • Petri Nokelainen Tampereen yliopisto
  • Laura Pylväs Helsingin yliopisto


self-determination theory, basic psychological needs, expert work, well-being at work, work performance


This article describes experiences of satisfaction of basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence, relatedness) from the point of view of well-being and performance at expert work. The interview data (N = 30) were gathered during spring 2020 in two engineering companies and analyzed by applying thematic analysis. Themes that describe factors that develop well-being at work, were formed. Autonomy: Following individualistic values. Competence: Work-related optimal challenges and success. Relatedness: Sense of belonging. Themes that describe factors that support performance at work, were formed. Autonomy: To be able to influence and develop. This was described to increase willingness to develop and improve problem solving and commitment. Competence: Challenges were seen as opportunities to develop. Relatedness: Close relationships were seen as vital for mental and professional support. These results strengthen the knowledge of the importance of considering basic psychological needs when scrutinizing well-being and performance at work.




How to Cite

Piirto, J., Nokelainen, P., & Pylväs, L. (2022). Asiantuntijatyöntekijöiden kokemuksia psykologisten perustarpeiden täyttymisestä työhyvinvoinnin ja työssäsuoriutumisen näkökulmasta. Journal of Professional and Vocational Education, 24(2), 28–43.