Writing Competition 2023

In a partnership with Porthan Society, the interdisciplinary journal Auraica is organizing a writing competition. The theme of the competition is Henrik Gabriel Porthan, who acted as a history professor at the Academy of Turku during the 18th century. The theme also includes Porthan’s comprehensive after-effects in the humanities, and culture.

You can choose the topic, viewpoint, methods, and research frame for your text as long as your text, in some way, discusses H. G. Porthan or his after-effects. Your competition text can, for example, consider Porthan’s life, his international networks, his academic publications, other texts, his teachings, or archival work, as well as his work with sources. You can also examine Porthan’s after-effects and how he and his work has been viewed by scholars.

We encourage you to seek new perspectives on Porthan, and to challenge the ways how Porthan, his contemporaries, and his after-effects have been studied.

Previously unpublished texts can be submitted to two categories in English, Finnish, or Swedish:

* Peer-reviewed articles: Peer-reviewed articles contain new scholarly information. They go through a peer-review process, which follows the guidelines of the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies. The guided length for the articles is 15–20 pages (font: Times New Roman or similar, font size: 12, and spacing: 1).

* Scholarly essays: a scholarly essay is a reflective text, which is based on published scholarly works. In the essay, the writer combines and reflects information that is gathered from different sources from the viewpoint of the selected theme. The essays will go through an editorial process, but they won’t be peer-reviewed. The guided length for the essays is 7–10 pages (font: Times New Roman or similar, font size: 12, and spacing: 1) in addition to the bibliography.

One to three texts from both categories will be published in a special issue of Auraica during the year 2024. All the writers of published texts will be rewarded with 350 euros. The editors of Auraica will decide which text will be published.

The texts will be sent to the editor-in-chief, Mari Välimäki, (marivaz[at]utu.fi) by 15.9.2023. She will also answer if you have any questions.